/// rectangle.hpp// -----------------------------------------------------// [author] lv// [begin ] 2019.1// [brief ] the rectangle-class for the ray-tracing project// from the 《ray tracing the next week》// -----------------------------------------------------#pragma oncenamespace rt{//the statement of xy_rect classclass xy_rect : public intersect {public: xy_rect() { } /* @brief: the rectangle in the x-y plane @param: the boundary of x axis the boundary of y axis the value of z axis the material of rectangle */ xy_rect(rtvar x1, rtvar x2, rtvar y1, rtvar y2, rtvar z0, material* mat); virtual bool hit(const ray& sight, rtvar t_min, rtvar t_max, hitInfo& info)const override; virtual aabb getbox()const override;private: material * _materialp; rtvar _x1, _x2; rtvar _y1, _y2; rtvar _other; };//the statement of xz_rect classclass xz_rect : public intersect {public: xz_rect() { } /* @brief: the rectangle in the x-z plane @param: the boundary of x axis the boundary of z axis the value of y axis the material of rectangle */ xz_rect(rtvar x1, rtvar x2, rtvar z1, rtvar z2, rtvar y0, material* mat); virtual bool hit(const ray& sight, rtvar t_min, rtvar t_max, hitInfo& info)const override; virtual aabb getbox()const override;private: material * _materialp; rtvar _x1, _x2; rtvar _z1, _z2; rtvar _other; };//the statement of yz_rect classclass yz_rect : public intersect {public: yz_rect() { } /* @brief: the rectangle in the y-z plane @param: the boundary of y axis the boundary of z axis the value of x axis the material of rectangle */ yz_rect(rtvar y1, rtvar y2, rtvar z1, rtvar z2, rtvar x0, material* mat); virtual bool hit(const ray& sight, rtvar t_min, rtvar t_max, hitInfo& info)const override; virtual aabb getbox()const override;private: material * _materialp; rtvar _z1, _z2; rtvar _y1, _y2; rtvar _other; };// the implementation of xy_rect classinline xy_rect::xy_rect(rtvar x1, rtvar x2, rtvar y1, rtvar y2, rtvar z0, material* mat) :_x1(x1) , _x2(x2) , _y1(y1) , _y2(y2) , _other(z0) , _materialp(mat) { }bool xy_rect::hit(const ray& sight, rtvar t_min, rtvar t_max, hitInfo& info)const { rtvar t = (_other - sight.origin().z()) / sight.direction().z(); if (t < t_min || t > t_max)return false; rtvar x = sight.origin().x() + t*sight.direction().x(); rtvar y = sight.origin().y() + t*sight.direction().y(); if (x < _x1 || x > _x2 || y < _y1 || y > _y2) return false; info._u = (x - _x1) / (_x2 - _x1); info._v = (y - _y1) / (_y2 - _y1); info._t = t; info._materialp = _materialp; info._p = sight.go(t); info._n = rtvec(0, 0, 1); return true; }aabb xy_rect::getbox()const { return aabb(rtvec(_x1, _y1, _other - 0.0001), rtvec(_x2, _y2, _other + 0.0001)); }// the implementation of xz_rect classinline xz_rect::xz_rect(rtvar x1, rtvar x2, rtvar z1, rtvar z2, rtvar y0, material* mat) :_x1(x1) , _x2(x2) , _z1(z1) , _z2(z2) , _other(y0) , _materialp(mat) { }bool xz_rect::hit(const ray& sight, rtvar t_min, rtvar t_max, hitInfo& info)const { rtvar t = (_other - sight.origin().y()) / sight.direction().y(); if (t < t_min || t > t_max)return false; rtvar x = sight.origin().x() + t*sight.direction().x(); rtvar z = sight.origin().z() + t*sight.direction().z(); if (x < _x1 || x > _x2 || z < _z1 || z > _z2) return false; info._u = (x - _x1) / (_x2 - _x1); info._v = (z - _z1) / (_z2 - _z1); info._t = t; info._materialp = _materialp; info._p = sight.go(t); info._n = rtvec(0, 1, 0); return true; }aabb xz_rect::getbox()const { return aabb(rtvec(_x1, _other - 0.0001, _z1), rtvec(_x2, _other + 0.0001, _z2)); }// the implementation of yz_rect classinline yz_rect::yz_rect(rtvar y1, rtvar y2, rtvar z1, rtvar z2, rtvar x0, material* mat) :_y1(y1) , _y2(y2) , _z1(z1) , _z2(z2) , _other(x0) , _materialp(mat) { }bool yz_rect::hit(const ray& sight, rtvar t_min, rtvar t_max, hitInfo& info)const { rtvar t = (_other - sight.origin().x()) / sight.direction().x(); if (t < t_min || t > t_max)return false; rtvar y = sight.origin().y() + t*sight.direction().y(); rtvar z = sight.origin().z() + t*sight.direction().z(); if (y < _y1 || y > _y2 || z < _z1 || z > _z2) return false; info._u = (y - _y1) / (_y2 - _y1); info._v = (z - _z1) / (_z2 - _z1); info._t = t; info._materialp = _materialp; info._p = sight.go(t); info._n = rtvec(1, 0, 0); return true; }aabb yz_rect::getbox()const { return aabb(rtvec(_other - 0.0001, _y1, _z1), rtvec(_other + 0.0001, _y2, _z2)); }}// rt namespace
/// box.hpp// -----------------------------------------------------// [author] lv// [begin ] 2019.1// [brief ] the box-class for the ray-tracing project// from the 《ray tracing the next week》// -----------------------------------------------------#pragma oncenamespace rt{// the statement of box classclass box: public intersect {public: box() { } box(const rtvec& pointmin, const rtvec& pointmax, material * mat); virtual bool hit(const ray& sight, rtvar t_min, rtvar t_max, hitInfo& info)const override; virtual aabb getbox()const override; /*public: // the normal of xy_rect, the normal's direction is + inline const rtvec& xy_n() const { return _list[0].Getnormal(); } // the normal of xy_rect, the normal's direction is - inline const rtvec& xy_nflip() const { return _list[1].Getnormal(); } inline const rtvec& xz_n() const { return _list[2].Getnormal(); } inline const rtvec& xz_nflip() const { return _list[3].Getnormal(); } inline const rtvec& yz_n() const { return _list[4].Getnormal(); } inline const rtvec& yz_nflip() const { return _list[5].Getnormal(); } inline void set_xy_material(material* m) { _list[0].setmaterial(m); } inline void set_xy_flipmaterial(material* m) { _list[1].setmaterial(m); } inline void set_xz_material(material* m) { _list[2].setmaterial(m); } inline void set_xz_flipmaterial(material* m) { _list[3].setmaterial(m); } inline void set_yz_material(material* m) { _list[4].setmaterial(m); } inline void set_yz_flipmaterial(material* m) { _list[5].setmaterial(m); } */private: rtvec _min; rtvec _max; intersections* _list; //rectangles* _list; };// the implementation of box classinline box::box(const rtvec& pointmin, const rtvec& pointmax, material * mat) :_min(pointmin) ,_max(pointmax) { intersect ** list = new intersect*[6]; list[0] = new xy_rect(_min.x(), _max.x(), _min.y(), _max.y(), _max.z(), mat); list[1] = new flip_normal(new xy_rect(_min.x(), _max.x(), _min.y(), _max.y(), _min.z(), mat)); list[2] = new xz_rect(_min.x(), _max.x(), _min.z(), _max.z(), _max.y(), mat); list[3] = new flip_normal(new xz_rect(_min.x(), _max.x(), _min.z(), _max.z(), _min.y(), mat)); list[4] = new yz_rect(_min.y(), _max.y(), _min.z(), _max.z(), _max.x(), mat); list[5] = new flip_normal(new yz_rect(_min.y(), _max.y(), _min.z(), _max.z(), _min.x(), mat)); _list = new intersections(list, 6); /* rectangle ** list = new rectangle*[6]; list[0] = new xy_rect(_min.x(), _max.x(), _min.y(), _max.y(), _max.z(), mat); list[1] = new xy_rect(_min.x(), _max.x(), _min.y(), _max.y(), _min.z(), mat, true); list[2] = new xz_rect(_min.x(), _max.x(), _min.z(), _max.z(), _max.y(), mat); list[3] = new xz_rect(_min.x(), _max.x(), _min.z(), _max.z(), _min.y(), mat, true); list[4] = new yz_rect(_min.y(), _max.y(), _min.z(), _max.z(), _max.x(), mat); list[5] = new yz_rect(_min.y(), _max.y(), _min.z(), _max.z(), _min.x(), mat, true); _list = new rectangles(list, 6);*/ }bool box::hit(const ray& sight, rtvar t_min, rtvar t_max, hitInfo& info)const { return _list->hit(sight, t_min, t_max, info); }aabb box::getbox()const { return aabb(_min, _max); }} // rt namespace
#define LOWPRECISION//#define uvwtest//#define listtest//#define accumulatetest//#define attenuationtest//#define colortest#define STB_IMAGE_IMPLEMENTATION#include#include #include "include\texture\RTtexture.hpp"#include "include\material\RTmaterial.hpp"#include "include\hit\RThit.hpp"#include "camera.hpp"using namespace rt;rtvec lerp(const ray& sight, intersect* world, int depth){ hitInfo info; if (world->hit(sight, (rtvar)0.001, rtInf(), info)) { ray scattered; rtvec attenuation; rtvec light = info._materialp->emitted(info._u, info._v, info._p); if (depth < 50 && info._materialp->scatter(sight, info, attenuation, scattered)) return light + attenuation * lerp(scattered, world, depth + 1); else return light; } else return rtvec();}void Cornell(intersections** scene, camera** cam, rtvar aspect){ intersect ** list = new intersect*[9]; size_t cnt = 0; material * red = new lambertian(new constant_texture(rtvec(0.65, 0.05, 0.05))); material * blue = new lambertian(new constant_texture(rtvec(0.05, 0.05, 0.73))); material * white = new lambertian(new constant_texture(rtvec(0.88, 0.88, 0.88))); material * green = new lambertian(new constant_texture(rtvec(0.12, 0.45, 0.15))); material * light = new areaLight(new constant_texture(rtvec(20, 20, 20))); list[cnt++] = new flip_normal(new yz_rect(0, 555, 0, 555, 555, green)); list[cnt++] = new yz_rect(0, 555, 0, 555, 0, red); list[cnt++] = new xz_rect(200, 350, 220, 340, 550, light); list[cnt++] = new flip_normal(new xz_rect(200, 350, 220, 340, 550, light)); list[cnt++] = new flip_normal(new xz_rect(0, 555, 0, 555, 555, white)); list[cnt++] = new xz_rect(0, 555, 0, 555, 0, white); list[cnt++] = new flip_normal(new xy_rect(0, 555, 0, 555, 555, blue)); list[cnt++] = new translate(new rotate_x(new rotate_y(new box(rtvec(), rtvec(165, 165, 165), white), -45), -30), rtvec(130, 200, 65)); list[cnt++] = new translate(new rotate_z(new rotate_y(new box(rtvec(), rtvec(165, 330, 165), white), 30), 20), rtvec(265, 60, 295)); *scene = new intersections(list, cnt); rtvec lookfrom(278, 278, -800); rtvec lookat(278, 278, 0); rtvar dist_to_focus = 10.0; rtvar aperture = 0.; rtvar vfov = 40.0; *cam = new camera(lookfrom, lookat, rtvec(0, 1, 0), vfov, 1, aperture, dist_to_focus, 0., 1.);}void build_1_1(){ stds ofstream file("graph-1-1.ppm"); size_t W = 200, H = 200, sample = 200; if (file.is_open()) { file << "P3\n" << W << " " << H << "\n255\n" << stds endl; intersections * world; camera * cma; Cornell(&world, &cma, (rtvar)W / H); for (int y = H - 1; y >= 0; --y) for (int x = 0; x < W; ++x) { rtvec color; for (int cnt = 0; cnt < sample; ++cnt) { lvgm::vec2 para{ (lvgm::rand01() + x) / W, (lvgm::rand01() + y) / H }; color += lerp(cma->get_ray(para), world, 0); } color /= sample;#ifdef colortest if (color.x() < 0)stds cout << "color.x < 0 " << stds endl; if (color.y() < 0)stds cout << "color.y < 0 " << stds endl; if (color.z() < 0)stds cout << "color.z < 0 " << stds endl;#endif color = rtvec(sqrt(color.r()), sqrt(color.g()), sqrt(color.b())); //gamma 校正 int r = int(255.99 * color.r()); int g = int(255.99 * color.g()); int b = int(255.99 * color.b()); file << r << " " << g << " " << b << stds endl; } file.close(); if (world)delete world; if (cma)delete cma; stds cout << "complished" << stds endl; } else stds cerr << "open file error" << stds endl;}int main(){ build_1_1();}
Chapter4 Important Sampling Materials
p(direction) = 0.5*pLight(direction) + 0.5*pSurface(direction)
对于漫反射(diffuse or Lambertian)表面,我们猜测它更偏重color(direction)因子。 对于镜面(metal)材质表面来说,s()因子只在一个方向附近很大,所以它更重要。
事实上,大多数渲染器将镜面设计成一种特殊情况,只是隐含地使用s / p 进行计算,所以,我们的代码目前也是这样。
首先我们从eye(或者 camera)发射采样光线,它指向投影屏幕的一个像素位置,也就是当前采样光线正在计算的那个像素位置。
p(direction) = cosθ/π
/// material.hpp// -----------------------------------------------------// [author] lv// [begin ] 2018.12// [brief ] the material-class for the ray-tracing project// from the 《ray tracing in one week》// -----------------------------------------------------#pragma oncenamespace rt{// the statement of material classclass material {public: /* @brief: produce a scattered ray @param: InRay -> Incident light info -> the information of intersect-point(hit-point) attenuation -> when scattered, how much the ray should be attenuated by tis reflectance R scattered -> as we talk, it is a new sight; or it is the scattered ray with the intersect-point pdf -> the Important Sample's pdf function @retur: the function calculate a scattered ray or not */ virtual bool scatter(const ray& InRay, const hitInfo& info, rtvec& attenuation, ray& scattered, rtvar& pdf)const { return false; } /* @brief: produce a scattered ray @param: InRay -> Incident light info -> the information of intersect-point(hit-point) scattered -> as we talk, it is a new sight; or it is the scattered ray with the intersect-point @retur: the function calculate a scattered ray or not */ virtual rtvar scatter_pdf(const ray& InRay, const hitInfo& info, const ray& scattered)const { return false; } virtual bool scatter(const ray& rIn, const hitInfo& info, rtvec& attenuation, ray& scattered)const { return false; } /* @brief: 自发光 @param: 纹理所需信息 @retur: 纹理像素值 */ virtual rtvec emitted(rtvar u, rtvar v, const rtvec& p)const { return rtvec(); } };}
/// diffuse.hpp// -----------------------------------------------------// [author] lv// [begin ] 2018.12// [brief ] one of the materials// -----------------------------------------------------#pragma oncenamespace rt{class texture;// the statement of lambertian classclass lambertian : public material {public: lambertian(texture* _tex); rtvar scatter_pdf(const ray& rIn, const hitInfo& info, const ray& scattered)const; bool scatter(const ray& rIn, const hitInfo& info, rtvec& attenuation, ray& scattered, rtvar& pdf)const;public: const texture* get_texture()const { return _albedo; } void set_texture(texture* tex) { _albedo = tex; }protected: texture* _albedo; };// the implementation of lambertian classinline lambertian::lambertian(texture* _tex) :_albedo(_tex) { }rtvar lambertian::scatter_pdf(const ray& rIn, const hitInfo& info, const ray& scattered)const { rtvar cosine = dot(info._n, scattered.direction().ret_unitization()); if (cosine < 0)cosine = 0; return cosine / π; }bool lambertian::scatter(const ray& rIn, const hitInfo& info, rtvec& attenuation, ray& scattered, rtvar& pdf)const { rtvec target = info._p + info._n + lvgm::random_unit_sphere(); scattered = ray{ info._p, (target - info._p).ret_unitization(), rIn.time() }; attenuation = _albedo->value(info._u, info._v, info._p); pdf = dot(info._n, scattered.direction()) / π; return true; }} // rt namespace
rtvec lerp(const ray& sight, intersect* world, int depth){ hitInfo info; if (world->hit(sight, (rtvar)0.001, rtInf(), info)) { ray scattered; rtvec emitted = info._materialp->emitted(info._u, info._v, info._p); rtvar pdf; rtvec albedo; if (depth < 50 && info._materialp->scatter(sight, info, albedo, scattered, pdf)) return emitted + albedo *info._materialp->scatter_pdf(sight, info, scattered)*lerp(scattered, world, depth + 1) / pdf; else return emitted; } else return rtvec();}
我们尝试一下不同的采样策略,比如,我们选择从表面的上半球部分随机采样(可以把物体放入球坐标系中,我们只取上半球部分),那么我们的p(direction) = 1/(2π)
bool lambertian::scatter(const ray& rIn, const hitInfo& info, rtvec& attenuation, ray& scattered, rtvar& pdf)const { rtvec direction; do{ direction = lvgm::random_unit_sphere(); } while (dot(direction, info._n) < 0); scattered = ray{ info._p,direction.ret_unitization(),rIn.time() }; attenuation = _albedo->value(info._u, info._v, info._p); pdf = 0.5 / π; return true; }